Experience Hokkaido: Day 1


last time i came to Hokkaido 18 years ago to snowboard, i went straight from the airport to the mountain in niseko. this time, i’m staying in the city so i’m playing tourist. what a super cool city sapporo is. it gets dark after 7pm, and light at 4am. i woke up at 3:30am and instead of fighting the jetlag, i’m going with the flow. why fight it right?
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check out the little train that runs in the middle of the road. coolest coca cola train in the world.
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yes, i’m a tourist and things like this amaze me.
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the simple city life here.
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OMG, i ate the most amazing sushi last night. from crab to all kinds of clams. the most traditional sushi place in sapporo. and i’m guessing the most expensive too.
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then sat in the hotel lounge sipping on a glass of whisky. i can’t believe the bartenders here shape ice into perfect balls that last forever in your drink.
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round 2. walk around for 30 minutes, check out the ramen shops, then get hungry again, then decide to eat sheep.
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japanese people love food, and hokkaido people love sheep. it was 11pm and this shop was packed!
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from sushi to sheep? i couldn’t believe how much i ate last night.
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the onions were so fresh that you could even eat it raw.
anyway, as i sit in my amazing hotel room at the okura hotel, i’m getting ready for an interesting day ahead. the day i came here for. going to experience something totally different. yes, i’m missing the big south swell back in hawaii, but the waves will always be there for me. this experience is once in a lifetime so that’s the reason i’m here. after that’s done, going to eat some sapporo ramen, drive back to the airport, and get a flight back to tokyo, then to hawaii. have a wonderful day!
