good morning. 7 am and the waves are looking fun everywhere. town is chest high and super clean. north shore is 3′ and super clean. it’s going to be a great surfing day!!! see you in the water….
did you hear about the government trying to close haleiwa elementary school? what!!!! no way!!! haleiwa elementary school is historic! you know if they close it, the next step will be to demolish it. just like the haleiwa theatre. remember that? imagine if the haleiwa theatre still stood where it did? that would be the north shores #1 landmark. now we have to use the north shore sign and haleiwa bridge as landmarks. the theatre was pure historic beauty and so is the haleiwa elementary school. if they close it, that would be sad news for hawaii….
this is 1941. i bet the people involved in making this beautiful school and attended it will roll in their graves if they found out what was happening… i went there for 3rd grade and have some pretty good memories. if they close it, it would all be gone…. sad….
and last, future pro surfer???