Filipino Watermen


i love my chickens! fresh eggs every single day! clean living!
wanted to say hello and thank you to Ikeda-san! keep on surfing!
and last, Maki-san always sends me the coolest videos. i’ve been fascinated with the free divers in the philippines for years now. i remember surfing a small island 8 years ago and seen this old man swimming on the outside all alone. i paddled out to see what he was doing and found out he was free diving. i was watching him go down for over 3 minutes and come up with a fish. it was deep, it was blue, and it was amazing. later that day, i went to the village and bought a speargun off one of the kids. it was home made and super simple. i also bought their homemade goggles. i have it at my house and it reminds me of that trip all the time. one day i hope to go diving with these old timers and hope to learn something about the ocean from them. maybe that someday will be soon. anyway, check out this cool video if you haven’t seen it before. amazing!
