wow, i had such a fun time surfing yesterday with my little friend Marin and his father Hide-san. i took Marin surfing last year for his first time and he came back this year for more. Marin is only 7 years old and loves to surf just like his dad. we caught so many good waves together. rode some long ones, fell on a few, but it was all fun! Marin is such a brave kid! he kept on coming up smiling after we fell off. when ever i take kids surfing, i fall off on purpose so they become use to it. yeah, the freak out the first time, but after i come up laughing, they start to laugh too. just trying to make them feel comfortable in the ocean without traumatizing them. i’m pretty sure this kid is hooked on surfing after today! and i’m pretty hooked on teaching kids how to surf. i love kids and just to see them enjoying the ocean makes me happy. i learned how to surf just about Marin’s age and i will never forget that experience. who’s got the best job in the world? ME! enjoy!
To Hide-san, thank you for a wonderful 3 days. Your surfing was getting better and better. I especially enjoyed surfing today with you and your cute son. Watching you both smile in the ocean really made it a special day for me. I’m sure you and Marin will have lots to talk about after today. Enjoy your last night in Hawaii and please go to the front desk to pick up the video i shot today. I just dropped it off and I don’t want you to take it back with you. It is so precious! Aloha
To Marin, you did great today. I was so happy to see you again. You are getting so good at surfing! Please remember to look forward and keep your knees bent. And I’m glad you liked the huge hamburger, french fries, and shave ice. I will see you again next year. Study hard and listen to Mommy and Daddy. Shaka brah!