Honolulu Marathon Diving….


good evening. gosh, i woke up this morning and tried to go back to sleep. the waves were super small but the weather was so nice. i told myself after yesterday’s long day that i will just relax today. oh well, i relaxed for 10 minutes. got some calls from the diving community and i just couldn’t resist. my body was saying “no way” but my mind was saying “yes way”. so it was “yes way” and hayato was at my house pretty quick. headed to the east side to do a shore dive in back of perry dane’s house…..

the hour drive was pretty nice. perfect diving weather and conditions. the first time i’ve seen the east side that nice in a long time….

i’ll call today a “marathon dive”. that’s because we swam almost the same distance of the honolulu marathon. not including going up and down all day…. when we got in, the three of us were beat. so beat that i could hardly talk. it was my first time diving with perry so i knew he was going to push me. and push me he did….

diving around and spearing fish is the fun part. but imagine swimming about 2 miles out to sea having to pull all this fish in with a string? today was one of those days that i’m glad we didn’t get anything really big. if we did, i would have let it go because there was no way i was going to pull it in. i miss my boat….

you see that rock on the super outside left side? that looks like a small rock but it’s actually pretty big. we swam outside past that rock and all the way back in. my legs are tired, my eyes are tired, my arms are tired, and my mind is tired. tired but good tired. i feel so healthy and feel so fresh. feel so good that i can’t wait to do it again…..

and last, perry always has fresh fish. ahi, aku, mahimahi, reef fish, or pretty much everything. he was super cool enough to give me a couple of these aku’s he caught yesterday. i just cut it up and am getting my ponzu sauce out. i’ll be eating fresh fish all week and i ain’t complaining. goodnight and once again, nobody better call me after 8pm….
