Ulua Hunting….


good morning. 6am here on this calm presidents day. it’s a holiday here in hawaii so no traffic. yeah!! the north shore looks like it came up and is pretty clean. still dark but i’m leaving already. hope to get barreled… have a nice day….

wanted to thank hayato for sending this photo of me and my fish i caught 2 days ago. as we were driving the boat to the east side, i was telling shawn that i wanted to spear an “ulua”. it’s been a long time so i just wanted to see something big and actually spear it. so we pull up on our first dive to check this ulua house. went down, nobody home. empty… so we started diving around there and i was kind of getting frustrated because i missed a few fish point blank. as i was going back to my boat, i’d thought i’d check the house again to see if some ulua were in there. most likely not but as i was swimming over the hole, i seen 4 big tails swimming inside. then one came out and looked at me and ran away. sorry, swam away. i thought the others would follow it but they stayed in the hole. right then, my heart started beating fast and tried to keep calm so i can stay down there long, long enough for one of them to turn around and come to me. the house goes pretty deep so as soon as i seen them make the turn away from my side, i went down. i stuck my head in the hole and just waited there because i knew they were going to come back around sometime. i was waiting and waiting, my heart was pumping and pumping, then here 3 of them come. the biggest one swimming straight to me. i stuck my gun out slowly, took aim right behind the eye so i could get the kill shot, and when he was 3′ away, i took the shot. right through back of the eye and out by the tail. a perfect shot. he still fought as i tried to pull him up. so i grabbed my knife, stuck it in his brain, and it was over. a 14lbs ulua in the cooler. sashimi for everyone….. although i got a good shot, this fish still bent my shaft. it costs $67 for a new shaft so i’m going to get my $67 worth of sashimi out of it. can’t wait to see another one again…. that’s the joy of diving. you just never know when your going to get the prized fish. sometimes it takes years and years but when you finally get one, it’s worth the wait. i just don’t like to wait… haha…..
