The High Price of Hawaii


mother nature eroding the coastline of the north shore of oahu. people spend multi millions of dollars for dream homes and might lose it all! i’ve seen this erosion problem on the north shore for years as the beach seems to get smaller and smaller every year.
this is Hawaiian Pro Surfer Fred Patacchia’s dream house at sunset beach. there use to be a nice back yard with a swimming pool. now it’s gone. and with the next big swell coming starting tonight into tomorrow, everybody is wondering what will happen to the house.
and this is one of his neighbors house. 3′ away is the first pillar for the foundation of the house. big swell, full moon, high tides coming tonight and tomorrow. OMG! the north shore is so unpredictable with the swells, winds, tides, and currents that anything can happen. i just hope these guys have insurance.
my big problem is the rust on my boat trailer. luckily it’s only going to cost me $50 and 1 hour labor to fix.
i just wish the best for Fred and neighbors on the north shore. nobody wants to see what is happening especially if you know who it is. and if you are planning to spend your life savings on a beautiful house on the north shore of oahu, you might want to think again.
