12 Years A Slave


photo 1
omg, i just came home from another wonderful sushi night in hawaii. the best sushi in 4000 miles and this shop is only 3 miles from my house. lucky to live so close, and lucky to have such good friends taking me to eat the best of the best.
photo 2
the maguro melts in your mouth! i didn’t realize how good food can make you a person so happy!
was happy to see Go-Naminori Blogger Yumie-chan and Takuya today in town. Yumie-chan inspired me from the day we met about 8 years ago and still inspires me today. very positive, very energetic, and very happy. good seeing you Yumie-chan and Takuya!
after dinner we were lucky to watch the sunday night special firework show.
and thanks Bobby for sending me the old photos of kaimuki. this is the street going to my house and i use it at least 4 times a day.
12 Years A Slave won some oscars and this is the next movie i’m going to watch. i just need some time to sit down for 2 hours. haha.
surfed some fun waves today. going to wake up at 4am and go north shore to look for some barrels. see you there! good night.
