Beware of this Little Street Dog….


good wednesday morning. 6:40am and it’s looking kind of windy out there. diamond head is blown out. good for wind surfing. north shore came down. pipe’s 1-2′ and only one guy out. looks like our dream winter season is coming to an end. town has a small south swell. shoulder high with a lot of guys out at bowls already. stronger winds on the way with more swells. still fun for surfing and that’s what i’m going to do today. surf….. have a safe and nice day….

when i left my house yesterday morning, this little dog was walking in the middle of the street. if i wasn’t watching the road, this little chihuahua would have been a brown pancake. i stopped my car and tried to catch it so i could take him to the humane society or something. he kept his distance and when i got close to grab him, he barked at me and almost attacked me. i actually got scared. see, when i was in 2nd grade, i teased this chihuahua that looked exactly like this one and it jumped up and bit through my lip. i had to get stitches and everything. so i kept my distance from this dog but at the same time, wanted to catch him so he wouldn’t get run over by a car….

i knocked on the house on the corner and the guy told me to leave the dog alone. he said that he always sneaks out of the house and roams around the streets. i thought that was pretty nuts because that’s pretty freaking dangerous. but what can i do? so i jumped back in my car and went along…. hope the owner of this dog takes better care of him….

and last, this is the big fish i caught on that mentawai boat trip video i posted the other day. i’m going on another boat trip to indo later this year and hope to spear one of these giants…. wish me luck….
