Fever or No Fever?


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wow, we had a dream session this morning. Omiyanagi-san and i had a decision to make. surf bowls but probably crowded because there was a contest, or surf already crowded diamond head. we went to bowls and took a chance. and luckily we did because there was nobody out on the rights. we had it to ourselves!!! wave after wave, long ride after ride, and just a very happy surf session. Omiyanagi-san been surfing for 20 years and he told me today was in his top 5 surf sessions in his life. he was surfing so good and smiling so hard! a very kind man that said he will surf until he dies. me too. thank you for the inspiration and for the wonderful morning!
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the past few days were just perfect! good waves, good surfing, good vibe, good weather, and good smiles. look how blue it’s been!
i just bought some new toys. just these gold reels cost $900/each brand new. i found a used deal for $675/each including the fishing pole. i’ll use it for a few times, probably get bored from fishing, and i’ll sell it for the same price i bought it for. nothing to lose and nobody gets hurt. so why not right?
Penn International 80STW 2-speed reels that are the best of the best. since i’m a grown up man now and want to enjoy my life to the fullest, i don’t settle for anything less than the best. and after a few fishing trips, i’ll probably be selling these for $675/each anyway. haha.
bought some lures too. these are specifically made for ahi’s. and yes, i think i have ahi fever. i couldn’t sleep last night and i won’t be able to sleep tonight. so i decided to just get it over with and GO!!!
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but first, had to get Mayuki ready for her new challenge.
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went shopping after this mornings surf, bought the supplies, and worked in the blazing hot sun! thank goodness Kyle came down to help me.
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the ahi has to bit the lure, the lure is connected to the fishing line, the fishing line is connected to the pole, and the pole has to be secure on the boat. so this is called a pole holder and just this piece of metal cost $145/each.
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then after 2 hours in the hot sun, fiberglass itchy everywhere, and lots of sweat, we finally got the 2 holders mounted perfectly! thanks kyle for coming down to help me.
i set up the poles last week, took them down to the boat, and tomorrow will be the day i’ve been waiting for a long time. if i catch an ahi, i will quit and never go again. if i don’t, i will try until i either catch one, or run out of money. and in the meantime, i won’t sleep good. this is the ahi fever that comes and goes in hawaii every year. i wake up tomorrow morning at 3am so better get to sleep. goodnight!
