two big north/west swells on the way starting tomorrow. eddie aikau? possible start this week. stay tuned on go-naminori for updates. i’m pretty excited on this 2011 north shore season. my friends are here, and so are the waves. going to surf! dive! and have fun! see you around….
a couple of weeks ago, my sister asked me if i knew who Dai Hirai was. i didn’t know. but when his MTV video comes out later this year, everybody will know who Dai Hirai is. a 19 year old ukulele musician who shot a video yesterday with Kelia Moniz. it’s a huge production project that will feature Dai Hirai, rapper Alexxx, Kelia Moniz, and HAWAII! can’t wait to see it….
team wade tokoro after surf!
takuji in hawaii getting barreled!
i’ve been wanting to change my hairstyle for the past 10 years. i finally found what i want. haha…