My Family…


good morning. 6am japan time. it’s sunny, calm wind, and full blooming cherry blossoms. long day ahead. going for a surf. oh shit, i forgot to hang my wetsuit up to dry last night. shit, that sucks…. maybe i’ll surf after my wetsuit dries… there is a lawson down the street with the best udon. that sounds good…. have a nice day….

this is a photo of my brothers and sister. my older brother mason is on the left. then my younger brother davis, then me, then my sister tammy. i think i was 5 years old or something. and the matching clothes we wore was made by my grandma fukunaga. we always use to wear matching clothes so nobody could figure out who was who. gosh, i wonder what the heck i was thinking smiling like that. haha….

and this is a photo of my sisters family. the moniz family. from the left is seth, joshua, isaiah, kelia, and micah. all great kids with awesome parents. you’ll hear a lot more about this family in the future. this photo is a keeper….
*and last, before i lost my camera, i took this short video clips of the yugawara boys on their first surf in hawaii. it was at kewalo’s with the joshua and seth. pretty classic….
