Drive Thru Japan Day 3….


good evening. heading out of here towards osaka. for some reason, everytime i go there, i wake up with a headache the next morning. i think it’s the air. or maybe the water? or probably the beer….. see ya later….

after driving for 9 hours straight, and after 4 stops for food, 2 stops for gas, 5 stops to take a piss, and one stop to fix the boards from flying off the roof, we finally landed in wakayama. like always, kimura san opened his house for us. the beers were out, the talk started, and atsuko-san just kept on busting out the grinds. oh my gosh….. check out this baby squid caught earlier that morning. dip it in a miso sauce, or ponzu. wish you were here….

next was this fish nitsuke. atsuko-san puts ume in her nitsuke. oh my gosh… i ate this thing down to the bare bones…

then when you think it’s over, here comes a second fish out of the kitchen. oh my gosh…. this one was down to the bones too…. so good….

then here comes the speciality. i don’t even know what it’s called….. maybe i should call it “oh my gosh”…

kimura-san was telling me that there was a festival right in front of his house earlier that day. people throw mochi off a stand into the crowd and you have to catch it. if you do, it’s good luck for the year. the caught this one that says “fuku” in japanese. nice catch….

fukunaga is my last name and kimura-san told me it means eternal happiness in japanese. that’s pretty cool. i’m going to live out my name…. so i’m going to be happier and happier longer and longer than i already am. yeah, that sounds so fun…. and i’m starting from today…

we had an awesome night. good food, good fun, and good people. i love my life…. by the way, that’s terra-san on the far left. he’s the man at isounora and a super cool guy. his son’s in bali now ripping it up. just wanted to thank everybody in wakayama for the drive thru party… had a blast and can’t wait to do it again….

and last, yeah, it was time for me to sleep…. life is really goooood…….
