5 years ago go-naminori did a drive thru in japan and one of our stops was at Ieki-san’s grape and pear farms in kyotango. Ieki-san has been a go-naminori supporter and a friend for many years. we’ve known each other for a very long time and i really respect him as a hard core surfer and a very fine gentlemen. this photo was taken 5 years ago.
today, i got to surf with Ieki-san and it was so wonderful. a very sunny day, a very warm, day, a very good session, and a very good laughs. we were stoked!
the waves were super fun. perfect lefts and perfect rides.
Ieki-san surfs really good. been surfing for his whole life and loves begin in the ocean.
nice backside bottom turn with diamond head in the backdrop. beautiful surfing and beautiful hawaii.
thank you Ieki-san for the wonderful surfing and smiles. and thank you for always supporting go-naminori! i will see you in kyotango! let’s go-naminori again!
then i went to pick up the girls and went to longboard ala moana. gosh, the waves were absolutely perfect! it felt like we were in our own world. more laughs and more smiles.
ended up surfing for not that long today. only 5 hours. haha. it’s 8:45pm and past my bedtime. not only my body is sunburnt, my eyes are sunburnt too. going to drink ice cold water to cool down, close my eyes, dream, and do it all over again tomorrow. good early night.