A True Fisherman


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had a wonderful evening session with Yurika-san. been surfing for 4 years on the big island of hawaii. an amazing author and nature lover. super stoked to see her catch some super clean and long waves. good job Yurika-san! keep on looking for the rainbow!
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you’re not supposed to eat tuna when it’s too fresh. last night, it was way to fresh but i was way too hungry. made some zukedon and enjoyed every single bite of this wonderful fish that brought happiness to many. i ate some sashimi tonight and it was much better. tomorrow will be even better, and the day after tomorrow will be the best for sashimi. enjoy!
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i owe a lot of my ocean lifestyle to this guy. i’ve known Derek since i was 12 years old. he got me into surfing out secret spots, he got me to riding moped underaged, he got me into street racing volkswagons, he got me into fighting, and he got me into fishing. if you know me, i’m a beginner at fishing. but when i have an expert fisherman on the phone in my corner, he can really make me look good. take yesterday for example, Derek told me where to go, he custom made my lures, he told me how to run my poles, he told me how fast to drive, he told me how deep to troll, and he told me to be patient. haha. i was on the phone talking and texting Derek all morning long and if it wasn’t for him, there is no way we would have caught that tuna. i’d probably be fishing outside bowls to try to catch one. haha. thank you Derek for always being a brother. thank you for the inspiration. and thank you for being in my corner in the ocean. thank goodness i can photoshop photos because i had to take out your friendly peace sign. haha.
thank you Inomata-san for the cookies! ate them all already!
typhoon season in japan is in full swing. i’m getting excited.
check out these new go-naminori stickers i made last week. just thought of something, had my printer make some stickers, and here it is.
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Keep Calm and GO NAMINORI
i love it!
