Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar equals Caffeine….


so here’s my luck. trying to get into ala moana park today to surf big rights. i knew the parade was going to start so i was driving a little fast there. got the green light, following the 5 cars ahead of me, and as soon as i was going to cross the intersection, the lady cop stops me. SHIT@…. i was stuck there for a while in the hot sun watching the parade from my car. wow, so fun…

and i wasn’t the only unlucky guy. i’d rather be surfing…. and talk about surfing, the waves were pretty dam good today. by far the best and biggest day for surf this year on the south shore. 4′ with some 5′ sets at spots like bowls with perfect conditions. i got 4 pretty nice barrels at big rights. gosh, it felt so dam good…. tomorrow, i’m getting barreled again….

did you know that energy drinks like red bull, rockstar, and monster energy drinks account for more than $3 billion in annual sales just in the united states? and did you know that the main ingredient is caffeine? and did you know if you gave a person like me that doesn’t drink caffeine 3 drinks, it would make my heart race and probably make me violent? yeah, they say that too much caffeine makes people aggressive and violent. anyway, i once drank a can and talked my friend to sleep. keep the caffeine away from me….

and did you know that jack daniels will kick your ass if you drink too much…. as jacksan says, “drink responsible and drive safe”…. happy summer…. thank’s shin-san for the photo from costco japan. now i know to take my membership card the next time i go there…

and last, my friends don’t believe me when i tell them how expensive fruits are in japan. so here it is. this 17lbs watermelon sold for $6,100. believe me now???
