do you know who richie rich is? he’s this cartoon character in america that was a hit in the the 80’s. richie rich had so much money that he lived in a different world. with a snap of a finger, he could have anything he wanted. i use to watch that cartoon every time and wondered how it was to live in a world like that.
well, no more wondering, i was offered a 1 week job and lived richer than richie rich. it was notified only a day in advanced so all i had was a small bag with 2 surf trunks, 2 t-shirts, and one underpants. it all started as i got picked up by a driver in a $600,000 mercedes benz, driven to haneda airport, and escorted onto a private jet.

me and 5 others boarded this jet. from the comfortable leather seat to a bed with your own private flight attendant. i was flying in heaven.

honestly, i never even had the wildest dream of riding on a private jet. that’s why i keep on telling my friends, dream BIG! take it from me, DREAMS DO COME TRUE!

then after landing in dempasar, bali. we transfered to a seaplane. yeah, the first time i rode in a seaplane. keep on dreaming kirby.

we flew low so i got to see half of indonesia, including flying over the largest volcano which is located in sumbawa. did you know there is a lake inside that active volcano? weird. anyway, we flew for 1.5 hours and were about to land near this secluded private island where our yacht was awaiting us.

i get off the plane, get on the dingy, and get taken to our floating castle that will be our home for the next week. 6 guests including me, and 12 staff to pamper our every needs.

this is the best boat in indonesia. 110′ with only 3 bedrooms. so you can imagine how big the bedrooms are. usually i would say, “hey, i’m dreaming, wake me up!” but this time, please don’t.  this is only the beginning of the trip. wait till you hear the rest. unbelievable!
after i got back from that trip, i stepped back into my regular life, which is a simple surfer living a simple life. till this day, i always think how it would be if i was a millionaire. my mind has and will never change. if i was rich, i would buy a boat and take my friends on a surfing safari around the world. that’s something i’ve been dreaming about for 20 years. so to all of my friends: help me get rich and i’ll take you around the world. haha.
part 2 of 4 coming soon. the experience of a lifetime!
last: I LOVE MY JOB!
