Cuts Like a Knife….


good morning. how’s the waves? don’t ask me. i didn’t and won’t check because i think i have to stay indoors today. i’m totally burnt out on surfing and totally sunburnt. drink a lot of water, and catch up on things indoors. that’s what i’m doing on this beautiful sunny day. if i checked the waves, i’ll probably get tempted to go surf. anyway, let me know how it was… have a nice day…

diving can be dangerous. you don’t only have to worry about shark attacks, shallow water blackouts, currents, and other freaks of nature. you also have to worry about small things, like stabbing yourself in the arm with a razor sharp knife. see, when we spear a fish, we take our dive knife out and stick it in the head of the fish to kill it. to stop the fish from kicking around setting off vibrations that invite sharks. this day, shawn was helping kyle kill his 30lbs ulua to stop the sharks from coming around. 2 things went wrong. he slipped and stabbed himself deep into his own arm. then after stabbing it again and killing the fish, this 12′ shark came to check out the blood from shawn’s arm??? maybe….

baby divers would have called 911 for an ambulance and went to the hospital for stitches. crazy divers tape it up and jump right back in the water and worry about it later…. dive first, worry later… thanks kyle for the photos….
