Sharks and Locomocos: Decision Science 305


omg, the waves were incredible today! woke up to a brand new south swell of 2016. a lot earlier than expected, but we will take it. passed by bowls and once we seen the dirty water, we passed and went searching for somewhere else.
quality time in the ocean. the best place to strengthen any type of relationship. a place where the biggest and best smiles shine. the girls were smiling all day long!
looking at honolulu from the ocean is the best. what separates you from the concrete jungle is the beautiful blue ocean. the blue ocean where no buildings will ever be built. the blue ocean where i can run too forever.
then came in from some sunday brunch.
this is the best loco moco in the world. it’s only served on sundays so if you want to try one, you better have a friend that will take you to this private special place only for brunch.
last, check out this great white shark at snappers rock in australia. cleared the surfers out of the lineup. everybody thinks there are more sharks and shark attacks these days. i don’t think so. i think differently. i think there are more and more people in the water these days. more people in the water along with more people with cameras. then add social media, you have sharks everywhere you look! i took a statistic class in college but it’s common sense that the more people in the water means more shark encounters. don’t you think so?
