Friends, Dolphins, Contests, Marathon Session, and Smiles


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after surfing secret point after secret point, this one was the favorite for the week. i grew up surfing at this spot since i was 12 years old. i know the wave, the wind, the current, and the locals like a book. there is a name for this spot that i refuse to say. Takahashi-san renamed it “Magic Point” a few days ago. i kind of like the new name. haha.
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of all these years i’ve known Takahashi-san, i had no idea he could surf this good. from getting barreled to doing off the lips. i think he fell in love with surfing again.
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two very happy surfers.
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on the way back, we were looking for dolphins. then right as we were going to enter the harbor, there they were!!! a big pod of dolphins just playing around in the shallow water. so yes, we jump in and enjoy the precious time in nature.
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i’m always on standby mode when i go onto the ocean. my mask is in arms reach so if i see some action, i can be in the water in 30 seconds.
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and once i jumped in, this is what i saw. dolphins everywhere! i have some amazing photos!!! so stoked.
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stoked to see Japan’s Shun Murakami heading to round 6 in the WQS in australia.
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and Joshua Moniz winning his heat too. it’s going to be an exciting finals day tomorrow. don’t miss it.
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went to pick up Kawahara-san yesterday at 12pm. we ended up surfing for so long!!! some shoulder high perfect waves and only a few surfers out. we scored!
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awesome surfing Kawahara-san. thank you for the wonderful marathon surf session! hope to see you again!
