Surf, East Side, and Memories


i took a spin by diamond head this morning and couldn’t believe how perfect the waves were. just so epic.
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had an awesome time teaching surfing to a first timer. always so stoked to see the smile after the first ride.
then went to eat a combo ahi and tako poke at Ono’s.
then took a drive out to the east side. it was so beautiful!
right as we pulled up, we seen a huge whale jump fully out of the water. it was awesome!
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then went to check out Makapuu. omg, it was as beautiful as it ever gets.
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imagine seeing this for the first time??? by far, this is my favorite view in hawaii. wait, this is my favorite view in the world.
came back to waikiki and thought, “what a great place oahu is. we have the city right here in honolulu. and if you want to see the country, it’s just a short drive away.
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i showed the dolphin photos to a few friends last night and their reaction was “OMG!”
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and i bet Miwa-san was saying “OMG” too! her first dolphin experience. i’ve done this many of times but it always feels so great to share this with friends. once again, what a beautiful place Oahu is. i can’t wait for tomorrow.
