Weddings and Birthdays


had a great time yesterday. it was a happy day for friends to gather. sat by Alyssa, Maki-san, and Eri-chan most of the time laughing so loud. it’s amazing how much fun we can all have. and we didn’t even drink any alcohol. it was a natural buzz!
what a classic wedding cake! you know who’s the boss in this relationship. haha.
the reason Eri-chan and i have gotten along so well during the past 10 years is because we are so alike. look at her!!! haha!!! that’s something i usually do but Eri-chan beat me to it this time. haha.
this special wedding day was also Kanae-san’s birthday! Happy Birthday Kanae-san! Kanae-san and the newlyweds are very close friends. how did they meet? yes, from “WE ARE ONE!”
once again, i want to congratulate the new Mr. and Mrs. Nakahara. a beautiful couple and a beautiful wedding to remember. i wish you a bright future ahead!
there was a video of messages from friends that couldn’t make it to the wedding. guess who this is? haha. this is Matsu! always unique and entertaining.
when i seen Matsuo on the video, i came to tears. Matsuo is the one who introduced me to Naoka 10 years ago. if it wasn’t for Matsuo, there wouldn’t have met Naoka, and if i didn’t meet Naoka, there wouldn’t be any Go-Naminori. and that would be pretty sad. i remember Matsuo telling me “hey, i know a kid that has passion.” he was right. so thank you Matsuo for introducing Naoka to me. and thank you Naoka for working hard with Go-Naminori. together, we made made many friendships and dreams come true.
