Ishinomaki Storm Surfers!


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today was victory at sea! the winds and weather was super junky but that didn’t stop Abe-san from catching paddling out. i told him “today is only for hard core surfers!” and there were only 2 other hard core surfers out. everybody else either stayed home, or went to work. it’s days like today where the ocean will create good watermen.
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when we pulled up to the beach, i told the boys, “ok, get ready for some non-stop paddling today!”
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the waves were pretty big and really bumpy, making it very hard to surf. but Abe-san caught some big sets and rode it out perfectly.
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Yuta-kun had a few himself. perfect style!
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today was very hard to surf so i give anyone credit for even trying. Yuta-kun succeeded.
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after a couple of hours, we finally made our way in. Abe-san only surfs in hawaii so i was amazed on his energy level. he must have went over a hundred waves this morning just to get out.
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awesome father and son surfing relationship.
then we went for some good vietnam food. oh, i love these! and yes, i’m allergic to shrimp but so what? i ate it anyway. haha.
large pho with rare steak and tripe. my favorite selection.
had an awesome talk during lunch. Abe-san lost many things from the tsunami, including the first floor of his house. talking about it 5 years later still brings chills to my bones. also talked about how Yuta-kun entered a contest in junior high school. he became the champion of “english pronunciation” of the whole Ishinomaki. i was wondering why his english was excellent! thank you boys for the victory at sea storm surfing! you guys did great!
