omg, look at my brunch yesterday. can you believe i ate it all? i was so full after.
Kanazawa-san and Nakagami-san enjoyed the Original Pancake House. my favorite pancakes in hawaii!
after i ate all that food, i went to pick up this cool newlyweds. meet Mr. and Mrs. Ikeya-san.
Naoki-san told me he surfed before. he said he went to kugunuma and paddled around. the waves were flat so he didn’t ride a wave. he thought surfing was boring. haha. i told him “forget that day, that wasn’t surfing. today is your official first day of surfing.” and from the first wave, he was a newborn surfer!
it was Mao-san’s first time of real surfing too. from paddling out throughout the whole session, she was smiling the whole way.
and when she stood up, she was smiling even more. i was so happy to take this beautiful couple surfing for the first time!
Naoki-san caught so many waves. i’m sure he couldn’t raise his arms to shampoo his hair last night. haha. great job newlyweds! wish you a wonderful surfing life ahead!
we are getting a very lucky treat! a late south swell! nobody expected this! every single surfer friend i saw yesterday had a big smile on his or her face. it was incredible!