Leave our Country?



so happy to be kept so warm with my Dove wetsuits. recently, i’ve been wearing a short sleeve rubber 2mm wetsuit top. just enough to block the cool wind and keep my body very warm. and when it gets colder, i use my long sleeve. so when i’m in the water, i’m feeling very comfortable.

i see people wearing cheap wetsuits in the water everyday. and they are still cold? my friend who was wearing a long sleeve wetsuit told me “omg, it’s so cold today!” i told her, “what? i’m actually sweating in my wetsuit now.” she looked at me as if i was lying. nobody in hawaii believes me when i tell them i have custom wetsuits. this is the proof! thank you Dove for keeping me warm for 24 years.

when Donald Trump won the election, people were shocked!

so the other day when i went to tell my turtle friend that Donald Trump won, he was shocked too! haha.

so many famous celebrities said they will leave America if Donald Trump won. and after Trump won, he said he will pick up every celebrity that wanted to leave, put them in his private jet, and take them out of the country for free. i think that is pretty funny because none of these celebrities left yet!

the people in molokai don’t care who won the election. why? because molokai will always be molokai. i respect each and every hawaiian that protects their sacred land. these guys will probably fight till death.
