Beef Tongue to Sunrise


if you ever go to Sendai Airport, go to the first floor and eat at this cow tongue restaurant. kind of hard to find, but worth finding.

this cost me 2100 yen or $19. it was so good that i was closing my eyes on every bite enjoying it to the fullest.

American’s use to throw the cows tongues away before, but now, they sell it to the Japanese. thank goodness!

bought a $300 ticket from Sendai to Nagoya and couldn’t believe when this little airplane pulled up. it was pretty small.

there are 3 reasons i like to fly out of Nagoya. first is it being so empty. i’ve never ever stood in a line anywhere in that airport.

second is the food. the best food at any one of the International Airports in Japan. this was my light dinner after my huge cow tongue lunch.

third reason is Nagoya flights are usually available for upgrade to business class. and after flying into Narita smashed in the middle of 2 people, i took the chance. and lucked out!

when i got on the flight, i told the flight attendant not to wake me up. i didn’t drink anything, i didn’t eat anything, and i didn’t watch anything. i just closed my eyes and when i woke up, Hawaii was right outside my window. i slept 7 hours straight. must have been tired huh?

gosh, i’ve been gone for a long week. seemed like a year. so many great things happened. it was a very successful trip right from the start and i’m already looking forward to traveling again. but for now, i’m going to enjoy my local lifestyle here in Hawaii for a while. feels good to be home. see you in the water!
