Lucky we live in Japan!


i meet the most wonderful people every day. and sometimes, i feel like i’ve known them for years. i met Megumi-chan a few years ago in Shikoku. but what was more weird was she kind of reminded me of someone!!! yeah, Eri-chan! omg, at some angles, she looked like Eri-chan!!! and she loves to eat and surf like Eri-chan too. i wonder if they know each other?

this is what you call a local restaurant. i love it.

and there is nowhere else in the world you can get a thick piece of prime rib like this for $17.50.

i’m so happy Megumi-chan loved the prime rib! i hope i don’t get other requests to eat there anytime soon. i’m still full. haha.

everybody loves Waiola Shave Ice! thank you for the wonderful day Eri-chan! opps, i mean Megumi-chan! haha.

then i get some photos from Saori-chan in Osaka. the sakura is full blooming finally! i wish i was sitting under that tree having a bbq too!

right after i get these photos, she sends me a text “Lucky we live in Japan!” haha. be careful Saori-chan, please don’t fall off the bridge! haha.
