Champion Coach Surfing


last year, i heard the news that John John Florance hired Ross Williams to be his coach. that was one of the best investments John John ever made. Ross is a former top pro surfer that’s been in the industry before John John was even born. been thought the generations and changes in competitive surfing. Ross is a very nice guy and i always respected him very much from the first time i met him 30 years ago. so when John John won the first contest of the year, i wasn’t surprised at all. and i’ll be anyone he will be world champion again! Ross and John John are an unbeatable combo.

if you can let yourself be coached, you are on the way to becoming a much better surfer. it takes will, determination, patience, and a strong mind to be able to listen to someone telling you what you need to improve on. it will break your ego, pride, or what ever you want to call it. but the end result will be better surfing, which leads to a better life. and in John John’s case, millions of dollars.

i have to have another talk with Asayama-san today because i have to tell him that this isn’t the way to dive under a big wave. i taught him how to free dive like this, but diving under a wave is different. haha.

i just shot these photos without knowing what he was doing. so when i downloaded it to my computer, i was laughing so hard!! maybe he seen a Kole? haha?

Asayama-san is actually supposed to be coming up now, not still going down. i’m sure we will get a good laugh when i show him these photos. haha.

just ordered my tent and got a good one. made sure i can see the stars at night. once i get it, i’m going camping on Mayuki! yeah!
