Turtle, Mu, and Family!


yesterday, i explained to Asayama-san the correct way to dive under a big wave. then right after, he did it! perfect!

and came up pretty easily. now Asayama-san is ready for bigger waves!

and i’m still amazed how good his surfing got. once you can put the board on rail like this, your board will fly! great job Asayama-san!

went to check out my turtle friends and they seemed happy to see me.

i only had my camera so of course all the fish swam right up to me.

first time i snorkeled with my sister. she was checking out the turtle from the top as i was checking it out from the bottom.

there were so many fish so i went back to Mayuki to grab my gun. shot some sashimi for dinner and that was enough.

had an amazing time out in the sea. thank you guys for the wonderful memory!
