Is 98 is our Number?


had an awesome time surfing with Kaneko-san this afternoon. the waves were so perfect! Kaneko-san took some big steps in his surfing ability today as he rode his longest and best waves of his life.

he kept on paddling back out with the biggest smile on his face.

Kaneko-san must have caught over 20 waves. i was so happy to witness his best surf session of his life!

great job Kaneko-san! you’re life will never be the same after today!

had this interesting meal for lunch.

new cafe down my street, and new style acai bowl.

went to go visit Grandpa and Grandma this morning. i use to be so sad visiting my Grandma’s grave. i knew in my heart that they wanted to be together trough life and death and i respected that. now, i’m sad because i miss them both, but happy at the same time because they are together for eternity.

my Grandpa Fukunaga was 98 years old. my other Grandpa Osaki was 98 years old too. i’m wondering if that’s our departure number? if so, i have many more years ahead. more barrels, more friends, and more precious moments.

spent a precious moment tonight eating corn beef and cabbage for dinner. it was delicious!
