Kagura: Dancing on the Ocean Breeze


i rarely watch tv, but i turned it on the other day because i wanted to watch and fall asleep. it was on NHK World and i saw something that looked so familiar? they called it Kagura.

i kept watching and watching. then i seen faces i’ve seen before. seen so recently. then i couldn’t sleep, i had to sit up and watch.

then the faces were getting more and more familiar! i was puzzled! i couldn’t figure it out.

then at this second, i seen Hiyori-chan!!! omg! then the pieces of the puzzle came together. i remember Naomi-san telling me about Hiyori-chan dancing Kagura, and i remember watching them perform at the party just a few weeks ago!

omg, i swear i couldn’t hold my emotions. tears started rolling down my face after seeing this young strong woman. Hiyori-chan is all grown up now and looking so beautiful!

she explained how she wanted to keep the Ishinomaki tradition going even after the tsunami. it was so inspirational watching this young 15 year old so mature.

then when i seen Naomi-san’s smile, i broke out in tears. i was just speechless. the strength of a mother passed down to her daughter is so amazing. i missed the first half of the show and was trying to find out how to watch it again. please let me know if you know how i can see it again. i’m so happy to see programs like this showing the strength of the people of Tohoku. and because i know them so well, it gives me the power to keep strong throughout anything.

sitting back and watching these kids dance Kagura for us a few weeks ago in Kitakami, i was a little lost because i had no idea about the culture. but now i know where Kagura came from and i know the reason why these kids pour their hearts into keeping the tradition alive. thanks kids for educating an old guy like me. i really appreciate deep Japanese culture.

i took this photo after the party and kept it on my desktop. one reason was to remind me how strong the women of Ishinomaki are. lead by Naomi-san, this group of girls can do anything they strive for. the other is to remind me how a little project like “We Are One” can become such a positive and huge success. i want to congratulate Naomi-san and the “One” girls for taking “We Are One” to the highest level. i love you all and will always be behind you all the way! you’re strength and will are inspiring people all around the world. hope to see you girls again soon!

and to Hiyori-chan, watching you grow these past 6 years has made me so proud of you. you and your Mother changed my life so much. to tell you the truth, i was very weak back in 2011, but thanks to you guys, i’m a much stronger person today! thank you guys for that!
