Pig Blood and Eggs


spent some sunsets out in the ocean with Asayama-san when he was here. came in, sat down, and had some awesome chats. we were just like 2 kids enjoying life. nothing wrong with that right?

went to my favorite Filipino restaurant and ate some amazing food yesterday.

and when i was eating my favorite dish, i was thinking about Asayama-san and his expression when he found out what it was. haha.

i still can’t believe how big my bruise was. luckily it wasn’t my head.

what a waste of ikura!!!

i took this photo on my last trip to Japan. do you know where it is?

was looking back at some photos and came across Matchi ripping it up in Shikoku. i miss the days we use to surf all day long. no cel phones, no internet, and no games. it was just surf, surf, and surf.

and what i miss most about traveling was going on boat trips with my friends. pulling up to isolated islands and finding waves like this was a treat. thank goodness Toda-san captured our amazing trip on drone.
