The Dead Sea


it’s crazy how busy my days have been going. i use to have to split it up on 2 parts, now i have to split it up in 3. went for another dawn patrol boot camp session! it was so beautiful!

Nanami-san has been a ski instructor for the past 24 years. so we get into funny conversations about teaching, and listening. i would never take a ski lesson from her because i’m sure she will yell at me just as much as i’m yelling at her. haha.

i told her many times “i can be nice, baby you, and just praise your surfing. OR, i can yell, be strict, and mentally challenge you.” she said “no way, i don’t want to be babied!” and that’s the very reason why she’s catching big waves like this all by herself. this is amazing!

Nanami-san, sorry for all the yelling. i know you have the mentality to surf like a pro. just give me more time to get that out of you. see you tomorrow morning.

then i was back in the water at 8:30am for round 2 with Kimura-san and Airi-chan. photos coming later.

so stoked to follow Nao-san’s traveling adventure. she’s in Israel right now and i’m so jealous. that’s my dream destination!

can’t wait to go there someday soon. i’m so fascinated!

Nao-san floating in the Dead Sea. cool!

seen something pretty delicious today. lasagna in the Diamond Head Market looking good! i’m try it next time and let you know how it was.

and got a beautiful photo from Toda-san today from Mt. Fuji. omg, i miss Japan so much!!! i’m taking a short vacation in June and i’m thinking either Japan, or Israel? or both?
