Poke: Made in Hawaii


Kimura-san wanted to eat poke so i was very careful on choosing where to take him. there is a Hepatitis A scare for poke from Indonesia so i made sure we went to a fresh fish market that uses fresh maguro from Hawaii. Yama’s was the place!

omg, this looks so good!

but nothing can beat the shoyu or limu poke. my favorites!

all the photos i post if pretty much the lesser of what i see every single day. i see crazier or more beautiful moments but i’m too memorized and forget to get out my camera. haha. this was yesterday @ Ala Moana. the most beautiful swell and weather combination.

the other day, i was riding and enjoying the beautiful view. can’t beat this.

i love rights and when ever i see a perfect right that’s about to barrel like this, i get so excited!

next generation: Kaito-kun!

next generation: Sakura-chan!
