Private Maldives 2012


want to thank Rie-san for the cool photos of Vietnam. gosh, i wish i could go there again! such a colorful country! and i miss eating all the delicious street food.

yesterday afternoon was amazing! waves bigger than the morning. so far, we’re having a great summer!

i went to take another look at yet another dream bathroom. the more i vision it, the faster that vision will come true.

went to a secluded island in the Maldives back in 2012 to enjoy the beautiful sunset. it was small enough that you could walk around it in 5 minutes. absolutely nobody around for hundreds of miles so it was as private and peaceful as it gets. white sand and emerald water.

when it was time to go back, to the yacht, the tide dropped a little so my jet ski was stuck. haha. i almost broke my back trying to carry it off the beach. i kind of felt like an idiot. haha.
