Boot Camp Complete!


for me, it’s a dream to be able to bump into my nephews and niece in the water. it’s a totally different vibe because you can just feel the aloha. i always felt the love the Moniz family has for each other and for others. everybody on this island loves them and only has good things to say. that makes me very proud because that’s the spirit of aloha.

it’s incredible how good the afternoons have been. perfect crystal clear barrels! i can’t even count how many waves we catch every single day.

yesterday afternoon was day 3 boot camp with Mio-san. it’s her dream to be able to surf on her own so that’s what we worked on. and after me yelling and yelling, she figured it out! so nice!

so nice until Mio-san looked at me, fell, and then her board hit me. i had to scold her again. haha.

Mio-san is a teacher herself too. so she understands the dynamics of learning. and when everything comes together, you will have the rides of your life!

thank you Mio-san for the 3 day boot camp. you did great again! please enjoy your wonderful island hopping vacation. remember to keep calm and enjoy life. keep on smiling!
