Another 40 Days and 40 Nights….


good morning. i’m getting ready for another crazy fun 40 days and 40 nights. been back here for 8 days and pretty much totally reset. home made meals, my own bed, no alcohol, yoga, and most important, my own schedule. now i’m ready to get back on the road and live out of my suitcase going with the flow of the waves. the next time i come back to hawaii, it will be north shore season and i’m looking forward to that. until then, got trips lined up to the philippines, okinawa, and indo. stoked…. have a nice day and see you in the water somewhere…

how’s this? you can make international calls from the pay phones in hawaii these days….

just put in .25 cents and you can talk to someone in japan for 5 minutes. what a deal. cheaper than calling from my house….

there is this grape vine at my neighbors house. i didn’t know that grapes grew in hawaii. it’s the first time and i can’t wait to pick some when i get back….

and check out my new toy i just bought. it’s a sick ass $1,100 lens for my camera. now i’m set cause i have everything. can’t wait to use it. cheeze[:????????$B!r(B:]
**and last, i’m getting my pen out now and am writing “do not distrub” on my forehead. if the united flight attendant still wakes me up, i’ll be pissed…..
