HuliHuli Surfer and Greenroom Festival


 Mieko-san requested Hulihuli chicken so we went to check out this new place in town.  gosh, it smelt so good!  and it tasted so good too!   since we were next to Liliha Bakery, we went to wait in line for poi donuts.   Sasaki-san and Mieko-san like to take challenges in traveling.  so i just sit back and watch.  super cool couple!  congratulations you guys on your 4th wedding anniversary in Hawaii!

Nao-san turned into a fish.  no matter where she goes, she needs the ocean.  here she is surfing at Half Moon Bay! had a nice time at the Greenroom Festival at the Waikiki Shell last night.  i got to see DefTech for the very first time in my life.  i heard so much about them, but haven’t heard their music or seen them live before.  so it was a treat watching them entertain the crowd!   so cool surfer band!   and good to see some friends at the concert.  freaking small world!
