Dove Wetsuits has some of the deepest surf history ever. you can go back 40 years and i can name you legend after legend surfers. from Hiromichi Soeda, to Dane Kealoha, to Tony Moniz, to Calvin Maeda, to Takao Kuga, to Takayuki Fukuchi, to Shun Murakami, and to many other champion surfers. almost every famous surfer in Japan crossed paths with Dove and Tokura-san. i crossed paths with Dove 25 years ago and i’m still with them 100%! Dove for Life… thank you Nakajima-san and Inomata-san for always keeping me warm.
my new wetsuit! can’t wait to go back to Hawaii and test it out. so soft and so warm!
Naoka took me to a weird ramen shop yesterday. you can’t and never will see who is serving you.
i tried to take a peak but still couldn’t see. haha. isn’t that weird?
Naoka is use to this so it’s normal for him. for me, this is totally abnormal.
but hey, i’ll eat it all up! it was delicious!
i checked into a hotel at 2pm, put my head down for a 10 minute nap. then woke up 3.5 hours later. OMG, freaking jet lag!