Scoot to Hawaii!


a new LCC airlines called Scoot started flying from Honolulu to Osaka from yesterday. then they fly from there to Singapore. now i have my new way of going to Bali!

i use these LCC airlines a lot and like it because it’s so cheap. but beware because the seats are very uncomfortable. better go straight to a massage in Bali to reset your body. but can’t complain for a $70 flight can you?

omg, i have to go check out Omine-san’s new shop in Okinawa!

got some classics in there. i would love to ride one!

and i would sit in the shop all day watching and begging to ride one. haha.

was pretty happy watching Nao-san swimming so comfortably under water. this is very calm.

and coming up for air as calm as this is important too. the more you do this, the better surfer you will become. because to become a good surfer, you have to be calm. simple.

Asayama-san is pretty calm too. very calm until he sees a big fish swim by. haha.

someday Asayama-san. but for now, you have to feel it to believe it. i know you can do it!

Christmas is a very happy time in Hawaii. it’s my favorite time of the year and i just love it!
