Unsportsmanship Professional Surfing: No Respect


this is called an Awa’awa or milk fish. super powerful fish that looks like a shark underwater. i had to hold on tight to my speargun as this fish was pulling me around. but once he tired out, it was mine!

my cooler was way too small for this big guy to fit in. so i got out the knife and filleted it right there.

perfectly packed and ready to make some fish cakes!

i’m so happy the DNLR Police bought another boat to start patrolling the ocean. we need that here in Hawaii. pretty nice boat but Mayuki is still the Queen.

i was sitting on the beach watching this heat. then when i seen Medina do this to Slater, i was kind of disappointed. Medina had priority so he waited way inside of Slater trying to block him off. to me, that’s fine. then when Slater took off at the peak and pulled into the barrel, Medina dropped in from the shoulder. that’s fine too. that’s utilizing the priority system. BUT…

Medina went straight and even left toward at Slater. that wasn’t fine. it was dangerous, and it was very disrespectful. in fact, i thought Medina should have gotten the interference! now if Medina took off and went right into the Backdoor barrel, then it would have been ok. the WSL has to adjust their rules or you will see this kind of shit tactics all year long. i lost a lot of respect for Medina and the WSL. and i’m sure i’m not the only one…

look what i’m buying myself for Christmas!!! yeah! Merry Christmas to ME!
