Boot Camp Works!!!


another day, another rainbow! look at Asayama-san go!

Nao-san even caught a wave longer than the one she rode yesterday. 113.6 meters long!!

Maki-san came out and surfed with us. she knew the waves at Diamond Head would be better, but it’s always fun surfing with friends. good choice girl!

every single day is Boot Camp, every single day i yell, and every single day gets better. haha.

and it seems like the more i get mad, the better they get. haha.

Ginza Barin for lunch! so good!!!

Bitcoin is like Las Vegas. win big, or lose bigger. today was a lose biggest day!

in the last year, 13,537 left Hawaii to live on the mainland. most part due to the high cost of living. it’s impossible for a normal person making middle income to even buy a house here anymore. only 941 people left Hawaii back in 2010 so that number has increased a lot. each year more and more getting squeezed out of this pricey resort island. kind of sad…
