HuliHuli Longboard


was at Haleiwa yesterday and seen something strange?

this Korean tourist mistakenly hit the accelerator pedal instead of the break and went over the curb. ruined this brand new Mustang.

thank goodness there weren’t any kids playing in the park when this happened. they were there for a couple of hours trying to get it out. no luck.

want to thank Yuri-san from Niwa for the wonderful present!

yeah, Japanese black beans! good for my Happy New Year meal!

had a snow puff for breakfast. so sweet and so fattening. haha.

had a Longboard beer @ sunset time. so refreshing and so drunk. haha.

more amazing photos from Nao-san’s iPhone X. mine is in the mail now so should be getting it very soon.

an ice cold guava juice after the biggest wave of your life. so refreshing!

local style dining.

“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” said Gen. Robert Neller. when the top General of the United States Military makes a statement like that, it’s pretty scary. i hope he’s wrong! but for now, we should all enjoy our lives because you just don’t what will happen. and these days, anything can happen in any minute…
