Japanese Surf Culture Legend


back to the beautiful days here in Hawaii. spent the day with a wonderful family that’s spending their new years right here in paradise! welcome the Shirato-san family!

at just 17 years old, Natsuki-chan knows how to have fun!

this was her first wave and she surfed it perfectly. and very happily.

then Maho-chan’s turn and it was perfect too! and very happy too!

such cool sisters and such a cool family.

Maho-chan kept on riding some really long ones. perfect Diamond Head back shot.

and Natsuki-chan on her last wave of the day. almost rode this one to the beach but got stopped by the Hawaiian Monk Seal.

the seal was just hanging out right in the shallow water. the cutest thing ever! very lucky for the girls to experience this very rare occurrence.

then went to the outside to surf with Papa Kenya-san. super cool surfer that’s been surfing since the 70’s. he knows all the legend surfers and is also a legend to me. amazing stories and such a super local style Japanese surfer. cool!

thank you for all the amazing stories from all the years of your surfing life. i’m so stoked we have so many mutual friends.

then went to China Town and ate an amazing lunch.

omg, these sesame balls are my favorite!

thank you Papa Kenya-san, Mama Rumi-san, Maho-chan, and Natsuki-chan for the wonderful full day of fun!

then we went out to the deep blue. i just love this place!!!
