Size doesn’t matter…


gosh, spent 6 hours in the water again and surfed 3x. it all started off early this morning, and i got home late tonight. very tired, but very satisfied.

Kanai-san on day 2 Boot Camp. amazing waves ridden and like i said before, this girl will never go back to a longboard. it’s shortboard fever!

the waves were small, but if you know how to get barreled, size doesn’t matter…

Okumoto-san on day 2 Boot Camp too. evening waves with just a few people out.

yes, the conditions were super good. and like i said before, size doesn’t matter if you want to get barreled.

want to thank Shirato-san for the goodies. omg, miso soup!

and the best sesame seeds from Kyoto! i can’t wait to sprinkle some on my ramen!

even though i was surfed out, i still had energy to go watch the UFC in a local bar.

the bartender was super cool! he gave me a free beer. i don’t know why, but i was so happy!

omg, the fights were amazing! Cris Cyborg is a very scary woman. i would not want to be her boyfriend. haha.

this bar was kind of weird??? it’s the first place i’ve been where i didn’t know anyone. i kind of liked it!

cooked me up some bbq chicken.

it came out so juicy and delicious.

now it’s dessert time.

thank you Shiho-chan for the green tea cake!
