Jasmine Trias….


do you know jasmine trias? i don’t know about japan, but in hawaii and in the philippines, everybody knows who jasmine trias is. she’s that little high school girl that made it in the top 5 of american idol a few years back. since then, she’s turned into a beautiful young lady that can sing. the first time i heard her voice, i got chicken skin. jasmine is from hawaii and her nationality is filipino. she’s a huge superstar in the philippines. so when ever i’m in the philippines, people ask me where i’m from, i tell them hawaii. the next question is “do you know jasmine trias?” my answer? yeah, she’s my younger sister. haha. just joking…. but gosh, she’s grown up and has become this successful beautiful singer. check out her website at: http://www.jasminetrias.net/. it’s great to see talent come out of hawaii…..

and do you know who kirby fukunaga is? kirby is this old guy still living in the days of “Ice Castles”. he frequents ice palace in hawaii and has been practicing for the 2008 winter olympics in alaska. you got to see him skate backwards…. haha….. “please, don’t let this feeling end”….. oh, i love that song. makes me want to ice skate. this was last week, the day before i left to japan. this winter, i’m going to call all my japanese and hawaii friends and head to ice palace. that’s going to be classic…. then i’m going to video it and put it on youtube…. haha…
