Philippines National Champion….


good evening, mabuhai from the philippines. gosh, it’s like paradise here. woke up this morning and the waves were small. in fact, it’s been small here for the past 10 days. some of the traveling surfers staying here for a while look pretty disappointed, you can just see it in their eyes. wake up, check the waves, it’s flat, go back sleep, pray for tomorrow. but it’s ok for us because we just go here but i know that feeling of waking up to flat waves for 2 weeks straight when i went to tonga. i understand that the waves aren’t epic everyday here so i’ve prepared myself before i got here. i just think like this, “if i score, i’m lucky”. that’s the cool thing about trips because it’s not only about the waves, it’s about the people you meet, and the experiences you have. i’m so fortunate to come to the philippines to shoot the contest for a japanese magazine. now i get to show people images of this beautiful country through my eyes. i can’t post any photos taken off my canon camera. you have to wait until one of the upcoming Surfing World magazine. but i snapped some off my small dig. camera so check these out.

this is the stage for the contest. when the contest is on, there will be thousands of people here. i actually got scared the last time because i thought the stage was going to break. it’s parked like sardines….

yes, this is where tokura-san, hayato, and i stay. see that coconuts? i ate one this afternoon and it was the sweetest coconuts i’ve ever eaten….

ohayo gozaimasu. i took this photo lying down in my queen size bed. cloud 9 is right between the coconut trees. i jumped in for a morning session. it was only knee high but i was out there all by myself so it was so relaxing. got a couple and went in. the water is so warm and crystal clear….

check out this poster. it’s a national beer drinking contest sponsored by san miguel. the winner gets 500,000 pesos or $11,000 usd. shit, i’m going to get my entry in. so now you guys know the real reason i came here. yes, to become the filipino national beer drinking champion. haha[:?????????:][:?????????:][:?????????:]
