Clear Blue…


mabuhai. the boys are in town. the hype is up and this contest is going to be one to remember. the trucks full with boards and surfers pulled up at cloud 9 around 5pm. some of the hawaiians are mikala jones, makua rothman, kamalei alexander, stephen kohone, rico, jason shibata, and some others. betet, tipi, and some of the boys came from bali. everybody seem stoked the waves came up today. had some overhead barreling sets. surfed twice and shot photos too. it was a long day so it’s time to sleep. had a great local style dinner. fried pork, mango chicken curry, pork adobo, and some warm beer to wash it all down. gosh, it’s so hard to get a cold beer around here. imagine being in the sun all day, super hot, sweaty, humid, and opening a warm beer in the evening. it just doesn’t taste that good. and the warm rum and cokes? well, i guess it’s better than drinking contaminated ice. we got a freezer/refrig put in our room so we just been making our own ice. anyway, back to the contest, get this? man on man heats? how’s that? all we need is some waves and this contest will be the one to remember. be back soon with some results. the contest should be on tomorrow morning. can’t wait… salamat….

a friend of mine emailed me asking me about the water in the philippines. he asked if it’s warm, and if it’s clean. yes, and yes. very very warm and very very very clean. if you don’t believe me, check out this photo from yesterday. what do you think?

and last, when ever i go hunting with my friend brandon. we target practice in the mountains. load up the car with a bucket full of ice cold beers, grab the bow and arrow, and shoot the dummy pig. gosh, you could shoot a pig a day here in the philippines. a friend down the street here is making a “imu”, or hawaiian oven. they got 3 pigs, 7 chickens, and fish. the stuff the chicken with the pork from the pig, put some fish around it, and wrap it in ti-leaves before putting it under the hot rocks. they will be digging it up tomorrow so can’t wait. now all i need is some poi….
