Surfer Girls Japan….


get this, there’s a little shopping mall near the airport in cebu. there’s a little spa on the second floor. we all went there for a massage. the best massage i’ve ever had. yeah, even better than “cozy” in bali. $7 for an hour. can’t wait to get back there for another one. or two. and get this story. we had 4 guys so we made reservations to come back in 30 min. we went back and all had our own massage table. hatato, u-ske, and i were in one room. kazuya in the other. we started and 30 minutes into our massage, kazuya asked us if we started already. what? we all thought we started at the same time but it was not the case. he was lying on the massage table ready to go but nobody was there. we asked where this massage person was and they said, “stuck in traffic”. oh my gosh, that was classic…. we couldn’t stop laughing through out the whole massage. i still laugh when i think about it…. haha….

wow, just got a copy of the new Surfer Girls. check out who’s on the cover. yes, that’s YUKO SHIMAJIRI and YOKO FURUICHI. yuko and yoko went to thailand for a shoot and the photos came out really nice. check it out by clicking on the SURFER GIRLS WEBPAGE…..

also, check out the Go-Naminori ad. “Girls just want to have Fun”……
