Inspirational Woman’s Day!


Jeannie Chesser is my inspiration. if she invites me to an event, i’m going for sure. so it was off to the Honolulu Museum to watch “She is the Ocean.” good to see a lot of my friends down there too.

i sat right behind Jeannie and had chicken skin the whole time.

then when Jeannie’s segment came on, tears filled my eyes because i knew what was coming. she talked about losing her son Todd to big waves on the North shore. it was, and still is very heartbreaking.

had a great time catching up with old time friends. good to see you Lori!

ok, my review of this movie is 5 stars. it was better than i expected. i encourage every woman and man to see this amazing movie. it will inspire you and the footage of the ocean will blow your mind. i had chicken skin the whole time and when i got out of the theater, all i wanted to do was go to the ocean. one of the best films i’ve seen in a very long time…
